Orgonites Table

Table Orgonite

It truly looks like a table. Its dimensions are 10,40 x 6,40 cm. It is an an ethereal converter, not only for use in your own place. You can also put crystals on the device, for cleaning purposes.

Price : 84 €


Base diameter : 6,50 cm

Height : 3 - 4 cm (depending on the particular making)

Materials used for its making are spiral and copper balls, along with all the basic minerals. There are no extras included.

Price : 58 €


New design!

Table orgone device.

Dimensions : 7 x 7 cm.

Containing copper, aluminum, white quartz, amethyst, lapis, hematite, peridot, garnet and black tourmaline.

Price : 68

Big sized table orgonite

It consists of copper (in balls, dust and spiral), aluminium and seven specifically arranged minerals : quartz, black tourmaline, dark amethyst, garnet, peridot, lapis lazuli and hematite.

All these minerals, along with aluminun and copper, make this ethereal converter, orgonite or orgone device.

Dimensions : 8 x 8 cm

Height : 3,5 cm

Price : 68 €


Medium sized table orgonite

It consists of copper (in balls, dust and spiral), aluminium and seven specifically arranged minerals : quartz, black tourmaline, dark amethyst, garnet, peridot, lapis lazuli and hematite.

All these minerals, along with aluminun and copper, make this ethereal converter, orgonite or orgone device.

Dimensions : 8 x 8 cm

Height : 3 cm

Price : 44 €


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